Frequently Asked Questions

The below frequently asked questions will be updated as additional project details are available.

Who is developing the wind farm?

The Giffard Wind Farm Project development is being led by Octopus Australia, after being acquired as a joint venture initiative between Octopus Investments Australia and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.

When will the Giffard Wind Farm be operational?

Subject to site assessments and planning approval, construction the project is planned to commence in 2026 - 2027, and expected to be operational in 2028 - 2029.

Who will own the land in the long-term?

Long-term leases will be established for the land on which wind farm infrastructure is installed. The current or future land ownership is not anticipated to change as a direct result of the project.

Will there be employment opportunities for local people during construction and operation?

Yes, wherever possible we will seek to fill employment opportunities locally.

Will local businesses be engaged in the construction and operations of the project?

Local businesses/people will be utilised in the construction of the project and long-term operations of the site.  While specialist technology will be sourced from outside of the region, we will seek to utilise local businesses wherever possible.

Can we purchase electricity from the Giffard Wind Farm?

The project will deliver power to the electricity grid; therefore, residents are unlikely to be able to procure electricity directly.  A commercial Power Purchasing Agreement will be established, so local businesses may have the opportunity to become involved.  

What impact will the project have on the flora and fauna on the site?

A detailed flora and fauna assessment will be undertaken as part of the planning process and will be made available for public viewing. The design will be required to comply with Commonwealth and State legislation and the Planning Permit requirements.

Will the construction of the project cause traffic issues?

A detailed traffic impact assessment will be undertaken as part of the planning process and will be available for public viewing.  A traffic management plan will be developed and approved by Wellington Shire and VicRoads prior to construction commencing.  While the impact expected is low, any significant changes during construction to the current traffic flow will be communicated to the community.

Will the construction create noise issues for neighbouring properties?

The construction process will meet all obligations of the planning approval, such as hours of work and noise levels.  The impact is expected to be minimal.  The project developers will provide regular and ongoing communication with neighbouring properties during the construction period.  

Will the wind farm once operational create noise issues for neighbouring properties?

A detailed acoustics assessment will be undertaken as part of the project design process and the design will be required to comply with the Wind Turbine Noise Regulations under the Environmental Protection Act 2017.

Will the project create a fire hazard?

A Bushfire Planning Assessment will be completed as part of the planning process and made available for public viewing. The Plan will be reviewed and approved by CFA, with any risk mitigation identified to be implemented. The project is not expected to create any increased risk of bushfire.

Will the project negatively impact the productivity of the land?

An agricultural land value assessment will be completed as part of the planning process and made available for public viewing. The site can continue to be used for agricultural activities outside of the immediate footprint of each wind turbine and the necessary access roads.

Will the project impact any areas of cultural significance?

A cultural heritage assessment will be completed as part of the planning process and made available for public viewing.  The project developers will engage with Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation during the planning of the project.

Will the project have a negative visual impact for neighbours and the local region?

The project will be designed to minimise the visual impact. A visual impact assessment will be completed as part of the planning process and made available for public viewing.

How long will the Giffard Wind Farm operate for?

The project is expected to operate for a minimum of 30 years.

How will the site be remediated at the closure of the Giffard Wind Farm ? 

Development Approval conditions will require the land to be returned to its previous usage at the end of the project life.  The project owner will be required to remediate the land.

How will the project connect to the grid?

The Giffard Wind Farm site is located within the designated Gippsland Renewable Energy Zone (GREZ).  New transmission infrastructure as part of the GREZ will be required to connect the project to existing transmission infrastructure in the Latrobe Valley.  The design and planning process for the transmission infrastructure will be managed by AusNet.

Can I object to the project?

Concerns regarding the project can be raised during the community consultation process and the project developers will work with the community to endeavour to mitigate any concerns.

If a satisfactory resolution cannot be found, the Planning Permit process includes the right for community members to formally object. Any objection must be considered by the Department of Transport and Planning as part of the approval process and the right remains for an individual to ultimately appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) should they be dissatisfied with the Departments decision.

How can I keep up to date with the progress of the project?

Regular updates will be provided via the project website and online newsletter and the community consultation process will provide an ongoing opportunity to engage with the project developers and subject matter experts to understand the process and impacts, via community drop-in sessions, attendance at community events and other local opportunities.